Constipation: Causes and Treatment
Constipation is a common condition that can be either functional or organic. Occasionally, it may overlap with irritable bowel syndrome (IBS).
Treatment of Constipation
Initially, a physician should differentiate between true and false constipation using clinical symptoms and diagnostic tests, such as colonic transit time assessment. Some patients self-medicate with laxatives, while many others can resolve their constipation by adopting lifestyle changes and using mild laxatives. However, constipation that begins after the age of 50 should be taken seriously until proven otherwise. In cases of IBS-related constipation, supportive treatments are usually sufficient.
While doctors focus on the frequency of bowel movements, patients often prioritize ease of defecation, stool volume, and consistency. Contrary to common beliefs:
- Constipation does not cause weight gain or significantly contribute to hemorrhoids.
- Prolonged stool retention does not lead to body poisoning due to toxin absorption.
- Hypothyroidism is a rare cause of constipation.
- An elongated colon (dolichocolon) does not necessarily cause constipation, and surgery is not a recommended treatment.
- Excessive water consumption does not significantly aid in treating constipation, except in cases of severe dehydration.
- Increased physical activity, exercise, and dietary fiber intake may help some individuals but do not work for everyone.
One effective way to relieve constipation is through dietary supplements such as glucomannan. This natural fiber derived from konjac not only increases stomach volume and promotes satiety but also helps improve bowel movement regularity.