Hiva Pharmed Parsian
Hiva Pharmed Parsian
Hiva Pharmed Parsian Company is an active company in the field of commercial services and distribution of products. This company prepares, produces, packages, maintains, distributes, buys and sells all permitted commercial goods, especially complementary medicines, diet, food, herbal and natural products, health and cosmetics, medical, laboratory and industrial equipment, raw materials. Pharmaceutical and food factories pay.
Using the experience and technical knowledge of experienced experts and having the necessary licenses from the relevant industrial and commercial organizations, this company offers quality and cheap services to its customers. Also, Hiva Farmed Parsian Company tries to improve its services by using new and updated technologies and to obtain the satisfaction of its customers by providing quality services.
Tehran, West Tehranpars neighborhood, Tehranpars, West 194 (Saqarlo) St., No. 28, Unit 8
Telephone Number