Tosee Ghaza Salamat Zinoo

Tosee Ghaza Salamat Zinoo as an active company in the field of preparation, production and distribution of import packaging and manufacture and supply and sale of any type of biological product, including serum and vaccine and laboratory products and food and human and animal medicines From herbal, chemical, natural, traditional medicine, dietary supplements, food, cosmetic and health products, herbal extracts, medical supplies and equipment, agricultural products, pharmaceutical raw materials and biological products, import and export of medicinal plants and drugs Herbal and natural extracts and essences, consulting, research and formulation of human and animal medicines, including chemical, natural, traditional medicine, dietary supplements, aza’i and cosmetic and health products.

In addition to the production and sale of products, this company also deals with consulting, research and formulation of human and animal medicines, including chemical, natural, traditional medicine, dietary supplements, aza’i and cosmetic products. Also, this company is active in the field of import and export of medicinal plants and herbal medicines and extracts and natural essential oils.


Tehran, Ponk neighborhood, Shahid Ayatollah Ashrafi Esfahani Highway, Ponk Blvd., No. 2, Ferdous Building, 1st floor, Unit 2

Telephone Number


